Thursday, March 03, 2005

Stats to provoke your thinking.

How much time and money do you invest in improving your selling skills?...(voice off: "Please, Maitiu, do you know how pricey training is?".....

Yes, I do, but the price of ignorance is FAR higher!

Check out these statistics and consider....

Half of what a seller knows is out of date in 3 -5 years.

Why do the top sellers in every business instantly volunteer for the next training seminar?

80% of novice sellers develop a fear of selling - leading to call reluctance -and fail because they do not know or understand the basics of selling.

Past experience of an industry and formal education have no relationship to success in the field of selling

Companies often include product training, motivation speeches, and and technical skills under the generic title of "Sales Training". Yet none of these will help you sell anything!

On - the -job training: 95% of on -the -job training is is conducted so incompetently ( the "Trainer" is not a trainer, he's a "Doer"), that the job job suffers considerably. Everyone agrees that it's the trainee's fault....but it isn't!

"Great sales people have the edge because they are able to let go of out-dated ideas".
Donald Trump.

How important is follow up and staying in touch? 82% of customers cite "Lack of care" as their reason for going over to the opposition.

Food for thought, Gentlefolks.

Until next time.


Changing the World One Mind at a Time