Consumer Research Continues To Prove The Same Things
“Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second.”
William James
This week’s blog is specifically aimed at those selling “behind the counter”, but is of relevance to all sellers, irrespective of their sector or type of selling.
Much research is continually being conducted on selling and buyer behaviour. I have recently had the opportunity to view two such "in-house" survey outcomes in connection with my sales training work. Both surveys, coincidentally, were conducted on behalf of retail outlet chains. One chain operates in the home entertainment sector, the other is a major home computer retailer.
Traditionally, retail sellers hold a deep internal belief that price is the key factor that determines sales success or failure. Despite repeated training, this internal belief exists in many retail sellers- my own experience backs this.
The surveys to which I have referred were virtually identical in their outcomes. Slightly different wordings, but the same truths. And the findings of both backup the findings of previous similar research.
Buyers purchase on the following criteria from outlet sellers (in order of importance):
-Helpfulness and Friendliness ( Customer Service),
-Product and Technical Knowledge,
-Value for money,
Even among professional buyers money is not the most important issue. In a survey conducted by the Marketing Institute of Ireland in March 2001, professional buyers ranked Price/Value at number three behind Quality and Service.
Does it surprise you that Value is still only ranked number four, even in tighter economic times? Price is the amount you pay, Value is what you get for the money. But the human values of help and friendliness still rule.
And I believe that if the research had been carried out among buyers exposed to a tele-sales or “external” selling environment, or business-to -business, that the results would not vary to any great extent.
Time perhaps, if you feel you work in a price sensitive sector, to re-evaluate how you are delivering on the real criteria that your buyers are applying to their purchasing decisions.
"I dream my painting and then paint my dream."
Vincent vanGogh
And Keep Selling With Integrity.
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